So many of us fear growing old and looking old. We make growing old so terrible and unattractive. Yet, aging it is a normal and natural process of living. If we fear prematurely aging, and can’t accept our inner child at any age; if we can’t be comfortable with who we were and who we are, how can we accept the next stage?
If you don’t grow old, what is the alternative? You leave the planet. As a culture, we have created, what I call, “youth worship.” It’s all very well and good to love ourselves at certain ages, but why can’t we love ourselves as we get older? We will eventually go through every stage of life, and every stage is beautiful. Every age is a new adventure.
Aging Does Not Have to Mean Deterioration
I can understand that we don’t want to get old and sick, so let’s separate these two ideas. Let’s not imagine or envision ourselves getting sick as a way to die. I do not personally believe that we have to die with illness.
We will eventually go through every stage of life, and every stage is beautiful. Every age is a new adventure.
Instead, when it is our time to leave, when we have accomplished what we came here to do, we can take a nap, or go to bed at night, and leave peacefully.
Louise Hay’s Secret to Growing Older and Staying Happy and Healthy
We don’t have to become deathly ill. We don’t have to be hooked to machines. We don’t have to lie suffering in a nursing home in order to leave the planet. There is a tremendous amount of information available on how to stay healthy and live life to the fullest. Don’t put it off, do it now.
When we get chronologically older, we want to feel wonderful, so we can continue to experience new adventures. We remain young. As my lovely friend, Dr. Christiane Northrup says, “Your genes are not necessarily your destiny.”
Prematurely Aging Begins In Your Mind
I read something a while ago that intrigued me. It was an article about a San Francisco medical school that had discovered that the way we age is not determined by genes, but by something they call the aging set point—a biological time clock that exists in our minds. This mechanism actually monitors when and how we begin to age. The set point, or aging clock, is regulated in great part by one important factor: our attitudes toward growing old.
I do not personally believe that we have to die with illness. Instead, when it is our time to leave, when we have accomplished what we came here to do, we can take a nap, or go to bed at night, and leave peacefully.
We don’t have to become deathly ill. We don’t have to be hooked to machines.
For instance, if you believe that 35 is middle-aged, that belief triggers biological changes in your body that cause it to accelerate the aging process when you reach 35. Isn’t it fascinating! Somewhere, somehow, we decide what is “middle age” and what is “old age.”
Where are you setting that aging set point within you?
I have this image in my mind that I am going to live to 96 years and still be active, so, it’s very important that I keep myself healthy.
Remember, too, what we give out, we get back.
Be aware of how you treat older people, because when you get old, that will be the way you are treated. If you believe certain concepts about old people, again, you are forming ideas that your subconscious will respond to. Our beliefs, our thoughts, our concepts about life and about ourselves, always become true for us.
Let’s Affirm
I express the joy of living and allow myself to enjoy every moment of every day totally. I become young again.