I Listen to My Body’s Messages

In this world of change, you choose to be flexible in all areas. You are willing to change yourself and your beliefs to improve the quality of your life and your world. Your body loves you in spite of how you may treat it. Your body communicates with you, and you now listen to its messages. You are willing to get the message. You pay attention and make the necessary corrections. You give your body what it needs on every level to bring it back to optimal health. You call upon an inner strength that is yours whenever you need it. And so it is.

The body is always talking to you. What do you do when you get a message from your body, such as a little ache or pain? Usually, you run to the medicine cabinet or the drugstore and take a pill. In effect you say to the body, “Shut up! I don’t want to hear you. Don’t talk to me!” That is not loving the body. When you get the first ache or pain or the slightest thing seems to go wrong, sit down, close your eyes, and very quietly ask yourself, “What is it I need to know?” Listen a few minutes for the answer. It may be as simple as “Get some sleep.” Or it may be stronger.

If you want your body to work well for you for the long term, then you need to be part of the body, mind, and spirit healing team.

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