I Am Perfect Exactly As I Am

You are neither too much nor too little. You do not have to prove to anyone or anything who you are. You are the perfect expression of the Oneness of Life. In the Infinity of Life you have been many identities, each one a perfect expression for that particular lifetime. Be content to be who and what you are in this life. Do not yearn to be like someone else, for that is not the expression you chose this time. Next time you will be different. You are perfect as you are, right here and right now. You are sufficient. You are one with all of Life.

There is no need to struggle to be better. All you need to do is to love yourself more today than yesterday and to treat yourself as someone who is deeply loved. Love is the nourishment that humans need to fulfill their greatness. As you learn to love yourself more, you learn to love everyone more.

Together we lovingly nourish an evermore beautiful world. We are all healed, and the planet is healed, too. With joy, we recognize our perfection and the perfection of Life.

And so it is.

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