I am Centered in Truth and Peace

birds of peace

I affirm the following: No matter where I am, there is only Spirit, God, Infinite good, Infinite wisdom, Infinite harmony, and love. It cannot be otherwise. There is no duality. Therefore, right here and right now in my workplace, I declare and affirm that there is only Infinite harmony, wisdom, and love. There are no problems that do not have solutions. There are no questions without answers. I now choose to go beyond the problem to seek the Divine right action solution to any discord that may seem to appear in the true harmonious atmosphere of this business. I am willing to learn and grow from this seeming discord and confusion. I release all blame and turn within to seek the truth. I am also willing to release whatever pattern in our consciousness that has contributed to this situation.

I choose to know the truth, and the truth sets me free. Divine wisdom, Divine harmony, and Divine love reign supreme within me and around me and around each and every person in this office. This business is God’s business; and God is now directing, leading, and guiding all of our movements. I declare for myself and for each and every person in this business peace, security, harmony, and a deep sense of love for the self and the joyous willingness to love others. We are all centered in truth and live in joy.

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